MEET THE ARTIST – William Kentridge (E)
For university students in art, art history, history or theatre
Booking required: mudam.com/adultbooking / +352 453785-531
TALK – William Kentridge in conversation with Suzanne Cotter (E)
On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, William Kentridge will discuss with Suzanne Cotter, Director of Mudam and curator of the exhibition
Booking required: mudam.com/adultbooking / +352 453785-531
SCREENING – Carte blanche to William Kentridge (E)
Screening of a series of short animations by Naomi van Niekerk (1984, South Africa)
In collaboration with the Luxembourg City Film Festival
05. – 11.04.2021
REGARDS CROISÉS – Cycle de rencontres dans les salles d’exposition (F)
« Luxembourg, un État colonial ? »
Collaboration with the association Lëtz Rise Up
Booking required: mudam.com/adultbooking / +352 453785-531
31.05. – 01.06.2021
With Sabine Theunissen, set and exhibition designer, architect and long-time collaborator of William Kentridge
For university students in architecture, interior design, theatre, theatre design
Booking required: mudam.com/adultbooking / +352 453785-531
03.04.2021 – 13:00-17:00
Art Freak Workshop – It’s just an illusion (13+)
04.04.2021 – 10:00-18:00
Family Workshop – It’s just an illusion
by O.S.T. Collectif
Booking required: Art Freak workshop: mudam.com/artfreakbooking,
Family workshop: mudam.com/mudaminibooking / +352 453785-531
See the complete programme on mudam.com
Grand Théâtre / Mudam / Philharmonie
06.06.2021 – 16:00
In the form of a living and moving exhibition, you are invited to join a jovial walk starting at Grand Théâtre, crossing the red bridge, passing Philharmonie and ending at Mudam.
Subject to modification or cancellation